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Pinterest-Inspired Unique Fences
. . The façade of social media can be seen in all aspects of our lives. Facebook, Instagram, and Twitter only show the good parts of life, but never the issues. Think of the family
Custom Fence In Orlando
Building a custom wood fence in Orlando is truly an art form. At Custom Fence Orlando and Paramount Fencing, our design team possesses both the imagination and the knowledge necessary to create sustainable custom fence solutions. The main reason is our dedication to research and development through a scientific approach. For example, all new custom fence designs are built, tested, torn apart and examined before suggesting them to the Central Florida and Orlando market. Simply put, we are a highly trusted resource.
Yes, we understand it's easy for any company to call themselves custom, but custom is more than arching a prefab wood panel or taking a standard style and adding something to it. It is a statement, a statement that matches both the homeowner and the architecture of the Orlando home. At the end of the day, a custom fence is simply about creating something that belongs. It is a backdrop and should not dominate the whole. Instead, a custom fence should compliment the home and landscaping. It should be balanced. It should be as if it was always meant.
Understand, it takes a special type of company to accomplish the above, one who cares. It takes passion and patients. It takes planning, coordination, and a lot of discussion. It cannot be accomplished in one quick meeting by a salesperson. So if you need a custom fence in Orlando or Winter Park or Windermere, we are here to help design that perfect fence. We are here to help navigate and avoid the common mistakes.
See the most common custom wood fence designs used in Orlando.
Horizontal Wood Fence The Craze In Orlando
Horizontal wood fence in Orlando is becoming popular, but be forewarned. The way that horizontal board fence is built counts. Using the wrong type of lumber, fasteners or fence posts spacing can result in disaster. Within a few years, those horizontal boards will pop off at the seams and begin to split excessively. That flat streamlined look you admired will become a wavy and warping mess. So when considering a custom horizontal wood fence for your Orlando home, here are four common building principles you need to know:
Principle 1: Use the right type of materials. Ideally, a horizontal wood fence should be built with cedar. Cedar is less prone to experience issues caused by the moistness of the Florida climate such as warping splitting and cracking. If you are considering pressure treated pine, make sure the lumber is treated with Eco-Life, not MCA. Make sure the grade of lumber is #2 prime and pay close attention to principles two and three.
Principle Two: Use the right material thickness for the chosen method of construction. When using pressure treated pine, use no less than two-inch thick lumber coupled with post six feet on center to minimize warping and bowing. The thickness of cedar should be no less than an inch and should be reduced to four foot on center. All horizontal slats, regardless of selected wood species, should be staggered. Keep in mine, horizontal fence is basically a deck built straight up in the air. As a result, the post to height leverage ratio should be no less than 50% leverage ratio.
Principle Three: Use the right fasteners. Stainless steel, stainless steel, stainless steel. The use of galvanized fasteners will quickly rust if used in pressure treated pine. Continue reading more at Custom Wood Fence Orlando.
Principle Four: Pick the right custom fence company. The majority of Central Florida fence companies claim to be custom for two reasons, money and marketing. Just keep in mind, there are only two legitimate custom fence companies located in Central Florida who have the ability to create custom fence solutions. Do your research and never choose a Florida fence company that has the words outlet or discount attached to its name.
Choosing The Right Custom Fence Company.
An Orlando fence company is a custom fence company, right? Nope. If you are considering a custom aluminum, vinyl, or wood fence you will soon discover how confusing selecting an Orlando custom fence company has become.
Complicating the already complicated, new fence companies and products are popping-up monthly as the economy rebounds. Each new business brings their own standards, opinions, and their own methods and marketing strategies. As a result, it can be difficult to separate fact from fiction, fiction from fact. Truthful and accurate answers will only be found through research. At Custom Fence Orlando and Paramount Fencing, we are here assist in navigating that maze.
Understand, a custom fence is an investment. It should be handled as such. The custom fence company managing that investment should be well vetted. As the old saying goes, "Trust but verify." Below are two simple steps that will save time and aggravation:
Step One: Know who you are dealing with. Understand in the State of Florida a fence company is required to have a local municipality license in which they operate. Companies can be verified by contacting the county or city government in which you live. Next, any business is required to be registered with the state: Factious Name, doing business as or incorporated. Regardless, the fence company is easily verified by visiting
Step Two: Know their reputation. Don't be afraid to contact the BBB or a referral site such as or simply do a google search with the companies name followed by the word "complaint." Companies with bad reputations pay big money for Search Engine Optimization Companies to bury results, so make sure you check the second and third pages.
Hurricane Preparedness

Hurricane Preparedness and Tips for individuals who care for kids with autism.
Let's Face it. A Hurricane is scary. Now imagine, the individual you care for is diagnosed on the
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Well, Central Florida Hurricane Season 2019 is Here. This year could be a boom or a bust. NOAA predicts a
Well, Central Florida Hurricane Season 2019 is Here. This year could be a boom or a bust. NOAA
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If you find yourself requiring a fence after a hurricane, make sure you don't fall victim to the scams. The
CFO If you find yourself requiring a fence after a hurricane, make sure you don't fall victim to
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