admin May 11, 2019

This summer, Paramount Fencing has been called out to 3 separate repair estimates for either a wood fence caught fire or a vinyl fence melted, all of which were preventable.
Fire departments are called to about 354,400 house fire situations annually. Most are cooking fires, and are already extinguished by the time the fire department arrives. About 2,600 of these fires are started by barbeque grills, often due to them being placed too close to a fence line. Even if the fence doesn’t catch fire, some fences such as vinyl can warp or melt due to extreme temperatures.
Fence fires are especially dangerous, as a fence often creates a convenient pathway for the flames to reach the home. Wood fences are especially combustible and act as fuel for fires.
To help avoid damage to fences due to fire or heat, keep certain heat creating or combustible items away from your fence:
Firewood, dry compost, or dry yard waste. If they catch fire, they will feed the flames and quickly spread to the fence.
Fire pits or barbeque grills of any kind. Again, these either produce fire or extreme heat, and ca cause damage to fences.
Any glass items. Old windows, sliding glass doors, stained glass, and glass table tops. In combination or singularly, depending on the sun's intensity, the above mentioned can act as a magnifying glass and create an ignition source
So Orlando and Central Florida - let us keep it safe and all do our part. Walk around your fence and look for items that can spontaneously combust. Keep your grills five feet off the fence line, and yes that means your neighbor too.