Well, Central Florida Hurricane Season 2019 is Here. This year could be a boom or a bust. NOAA predicts a normal hurricane activity; however, warmer than normal Golf water temperatures coupled with a heavy monsoon season in Africa could spell disaster. Are you prepared? Most people will answer yes, but wait. Did Y’all forget about your fence?
So here are 5 helpful hints that just might save that fence, money, and your life as a storm approaches.
1. If you have a pool, purchase an orange safety barrier from the home improvement store prior to the storm. It is impossible to find after a storm. Understand, if you cannot secure your pool. You will receive one of those nice cancellation notices from the insurance carrier.
2. If you have a wood gate, take a small piece of 2″ x 4″ and screw it with 3″ screws to both the gate and hinges post, at the top, at the bottom. If possible, open the gate fully and screw it to the fence structure itself.
3. If you have an Aluminum gate, just bungee cord it.
4. If you have a vinyl gate, take it off at the hinges and put it in your garage. Check all post caps. If they’re not glued down remove them and store indoors.
5. Regardless of what type of fence you have, go to the home improvement store and buy several ninety-degree angle brackets. Take those brackets and secure the last component of the fence, runner or post, where it meets the house. It could be the difference between your insurance viewing that fence as a structure of the house or a detached structure.
These five tips will be the difference an insurance adjustment fight or the insurance company viewing that fence as a temporary or permanent structure. Don’t just take believe what you read. Listen to an industry insider insurance agent explain what you should know about your fence and hurricanes on WDBO News 96.5, Ask The Expert Weekend, The Poolfanatic, guest hosted by Kip Hudakoz. Remember 40 minutes could save you thousands. Click Here To Listen